• Breb Village is the star of Maramureş County. It lays in the immediate vicinity of Ocna Şugatag and about 40 km from Baia-Mare. The famous Maramures Gate welcomes you at the entrance of the village, t

  •   – Mocăniţa, the famous local train that links the villages of Vişeu de Sus and Comanu, was built in the 1930s? It still works today with wood and water and has a 56-kilometre trail? ̵

  •   It is known that, in the past, there was no house without animals. They were used both as a source of nutrition and as a field aid. In the last few years, a real science has emerged from them &

  • Maramureșul este locul datinilor din străbuni, unde oamenii au înțeles rostul vieții prin tradiții, meșteșuguri și prin resursele naturii. Adoptând un stil de viață bazat pe simplitate și pe ciclurile