Old-fashioned cooking

With homegrown ingredients and skilled chefs every meal will be a delight. Vegetables are picked right from our garden and meat and dairies come from the local livestock – it doesn’t get any fresher than this! You will feel the difference that natural products can make. Moreover, you can get a glimpse of the old days experiencing ancestral cooking methods that bring out unique flavors to meals. And if we’re talking about experience and old customs, we have to include a campfire. For this, we pick up dry wood branches from the forest, set them in a safe structure and start the fire. There’s nothing like roasted bacon and sausages in a campfire, or veggies roasted on a stick! Each season comes its own culinary specialties so good food is all year round.

Traditional local crafts

Maramureș is famous for its intricate woodcarving. The craftsmanship of the area is one of a kind. You will have the opportunity to visit famous local craftsmen who will send you home richer in knowledge, stories and goodwill. You will enjoy walking the dirt roads, or riding in the rustic horse wagon, and simply admiring the beauty of the village. The people of the area are keepers of ancestral traditions, something easily observed in everything around you. From carved wooden gates to traditional wear made from wool weaving, everything can come to life in the hands of people from Maramureș.

Traditional local crafts

Maramureș is famous for its intricate woodcarving. The craftsmanship of the area is one of a kind. You will have the opportunity to visit famous local craftsmen who will send you home richer in knowledge, stories and goodwill. You will enjoy walking the dirt roads, or riding in the rustic horse wagon, and simply admiring the beauty of the village. The people of the area are keepers of ancestral traditions, something easily observed in everything around you. From carved wooden gates to traditional wear made from wool weaving, everything can come to life in the hands of people from Maramureș.

Wood chopping

You’ve most likely seen it before, but if you haven’t tried it yet, you might think is not as difficult as others make it seem. We give you the opportunity to test it for yourself. Or, if willing, we can a wood chopping competition. The last one to give up will be treated with something delicious prepared by our skilled chef. But, rest assured, everyone will get something – probably sore muscle, but definitely a refreshed mind. The elderly men of the village believe that woodchopping helped them keep a strong body and a long healthy life. After all, it’s a full body workout, isn’t it?

Bread kneading

Baking bread Maramureș style is an art of its own. The activity itself feels sacred, holding wisdom passed on from generation to generation. You have the opportunity to learn how to knead bread from our villagers. Back in the days, one would remain unmarried if they didn’t know how to bake real bread. The secret, they say, is in the kneading: alert, pressed down and while singing. The chefs will stay close to you, teaching you the traditional secrets of the recipe. At the end, you will see how much more appreciation you feel towards something made with your own hands and natural ingredients.

Bread kneading

Baking bread Maramureș style is an art of its own. The activity itself feels sacred, holding wisdom passed on from generation to generation. You have the opportunity to learn how to knead bread from our villagers. Back in the days, one would remain unmarried if they didn’t know how to bake real bread. The secret, they say, is in the kneading: alert, pressed down and while singing. The chefs will stay close to you, teaching you the traditional secrets of the recipe. At the end, you will see how much more appreciation you feel towards something made with your own hands and natural ingredients. And since we’re baking goods, we will teach you how to make traditional Romanian sweet bread – our childhood’s favorite dessert.

Farm animals

There’s a healing power in spending time around animals. And our property has plenty – dogs, chickens, ducks, geese, goats, cows and a brave pony. Feeding them, petting them or simply watching them eat can bring so much joy. If you want the full countryside experience, we will give you the opportunity to milk the cow, an activity you will surely remember! You can also join the village shepherd and see how it’s like to watch after the sheep in the open fields. Oh, almost forgot that we have a 100% natural alarm clock – our rooster will passionately let you know when it’s time to wake up.

All activities are closely guided by our villagers, who will show you the most beautiful and healthy living, as in the old days.


Children under the age of 12 enjoy a 50% discount and a real education, in harmony with nature and village life.


Prices range from 10 euros to 25 euros..

We have a tourist guide on request.